Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Horse is a Horse.. Unless of Course

...continued from previous post.

Unable to fee himself from the clinging vine, Ian toppled headfirst and dangled like a wild animal caught in a snare. Staring into the wall of tree trunks and broken branches, Ian watched in horror as the same choking vines holding his ankles crept toward his neck.

From behind him Ian heard the stacatto of horseshoes striking stone. Horse hooves pranced around his head in a vicious dance, then went still went an agonized shriek filled the air. A heartbeat later the stranglehold on Ian's ankles released and his face squelched into the muddy ground.

Spitting foul smelling peat, Ian found his feet - but astonishment dropped him back to his knees. The wizened face of a bearded wizard topped the neck of Ian's stallion.

The wizard spoke. The memories of your mount cast you in a fair light, else I would have left you to the yamouk.

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