Monday, May 13, 2013

Pulling the Weight

The sound might have been the giant from Jack in the Beanstalk trying to get rid of his five o'clock shadow with a dull razor.

But when I cam around the corner of the building my guess proved wildly wrong - though what my eyes beheld was nearly as surprising as a razor-challenged giant.

Under the supervision of her personal cross-fit trainer, a forty-something woman was attempting to drag a metal plate laden with a massive hundred pound weight across the asphalt parking lot. The woman was connected to the metal plate by two heavy leather straps crossed over her shoulders. She was leaning forward like a draft horse trying to pull a plow through a rocky patch of earth.

All I could think of was...why?  Why would anyone willing struggle to drag one hundred plus pounds of metal across a parking lot?  Why would anyone pay money to do so? 

I tried to put myself in the woman's position, to understand wanting toned thighs and buns so bad that I would subject myself to the most absurd exercise routine. The closest I could come was picturing myself handing the leather straps to the trainer and telling him to pull the damn weight himself!

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