Monday, December 17, 2012

Grail Beer

It seems Christmas came early this year for beer connoisseurs in the U.S.  The holiday came with a price tag of $85 a six pack - which 150,000 folks eagerly paid.

The beer, brewed by monks in Belgium, and known as Westvleteren XII - or Westy 12 for short- is the type of thing that folks stand in line overnight for.

It seems the robed brew masters needed a new roof for their Abby so the decided to share their god-given talents with the U.S. via a limited release of the hoppy delight.

I'm all for supporting a good cause, and I appreciate a good brew as much as the next guy; but it strikes me as more than a little odd that monks are repairing a house of god by offering a product that has folks camping out in front of liquor stores. 

Now if the beer came with the holy grail........

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