Monday, October 1, 2012

Play or Pay

The US Postal Service misses a 5 billion dollar payment to the federal government because Congress can't seem to vote on approving the restructuring of the USPS.

Taxpayers are looking at a substantial tax increase at the end of the year if Congress doesn't soon vote on extending tax cuts.

The U.S. faces a downgrading of its credit rating if Congress doesn't soon vote on a bill that will set a timeline for balancing the budget.

U.S. companies have trillions of dollars in liquid assets they refuse to invest because Congress has failed to identify a clear course of financial responsibility for the country.

I have a solution for all of this.  If members of Congress continue to refuse to get along, redirect their salaries to pay for at least a portion of the problems they cause by refusing to act.

Where's John Wayne when you need him?

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