Monday, July 9, 2012

Silenced by the Light

The evening had come alive with a cacophany of croaking frogs. The rain shower that had brought the frogs out of their heat induced comas had passed on - but there was another weather front approaching and the frogs seemed to sense this one promised far more rain.

As the winds picked up, the frogs got louder. A third and fourth chorus of amphibians joined the first two.  The noise was enough to make my teeth hurt.

Then a bolt of lightning streaked from the sky and as it did the night fell silent.

I could picture the bullfrog prince sucking in lungs full of air, then spotting the silver-white flash. Instead of blowing out a baritone croak, his eyes ballooned out of his head and a squeaky Uh-oh leaked past his lips.

No doubt the subsequent roll of thunder muffled from my hearing the prince's command for all his fellows to dive into the mud for there was no resumption of the concert save for one lone timid croak that was quickly silenced by another flash from the sky.

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