I've been observing all of the outdoor activity going on these days. Landscapers and homeowners are busy spreading much, mowing lawns, and planting shrubs of all types. Ladders are appearing right and left as houses are painted and windows cleaned. The physically fit have switched from indoor gymnasiums to jogging in the parks and exchanging serves on the tennis courts.
And it occurs to me that the sending of warmer weather is Mother Nature's equivalent to kicking an ant hill.
Only rather than driven, people are coaxed from their homes to scurry over the surrounding countryside with a single mindedness equivalent to the ant that strives to transport ten times its own body weight.
Here's hoping that over the coming holiday weekend all you weekend warriors find the opportunity to simply relax and enjoy the outdoors.
And as we all go about our holiday traditions, let's be sure to take the time to think about the men and women in the armed forces who have given both their time and their lives to make it possible for us to enjoy the outdoors.
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