Sunday, October 9, 2011

Unwanted Attention

I had the feeling I was being watched.

It could have been any one of the hundreds of people sharing the beach with me today. I let my attention drift across the sunbathers nearest me. Not a single one seemed to be particularly interested in what I was doing. Drawing a cleansing breath, I returned to the book I was reading.

And had the feeling I was being watched.

I started to get to my feet in order to better survey the neighboring population when hurried movement caught my eye.  There, just beyond my feet, were the jet black eyes of a ghost crab studying.... what?  Surely the crab couldn't be interested in me. I certainly didn't represent a meal - unless the crab was planning a luau for it's thousand closest family members.

That thought was enough to cause me to get my feet back on the footrest attached to my camp chair.

Once again I returned to my book.  And tried to ignore the unwanted attention.

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