Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Breakfast With a Squirrel

It seemed to me the squirrel should have been concerned.

He was after all sitting on the very edge of the blacktop and I was steering my car around the curve where he sat. But the squirrel didn't so much as bat a gray eyelid. He simply sat there on his haunches with a nut clenched between his front paws and nibbled on his breakfast.

Even when curiosity got the better of me and I rolled to a stop beside him, the squirrel didn't fidget. He simply eyed me as though he had been expecting me to drop by and share the morning with him. The way the squirrel looked at me, like a gray haired wizened professor looking over a cup of tea,  I half expected the squirrel to extend his arms and offer a taste of his morsel.

It's from the fall of 2007 and has aged wonderfully. Try it, I'm sure you'll love the nutty aftertaste.

Alas my morning schedule was more urgent than his and I had to hurry own without the opportunity for a taste test,

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