It may not have caused the earthquake in Japan, but it sure tugged on everybody's loony strings.
While scientists were tripping over themselves to insist this month's "Supermoon" hadn't encouraged Japan to jump thirteen feet, I and the folks I work with have been asking is there a full moon or something? We've repeated that phrase so often in the past week it's starting to sound like a mantra.
Then we heard about how the moon was the closest its been to earth in the past eighteen years. Funny how even before this scientific tidbit came to our attention our small universe of workers knew there was something at work in the larger universe.
Because, of course, the crazy nature of people really does come out during full moons. People drive more aggressively, tempers flare at the drop of a pin, and the need it now generation suddenly becomes the had to have it yesterday generation.
And if the moon can so disrupt humanity is it really so much of a stretch to believe it can upset natures balance just as easily?
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