I was reviewing a past post relating to the passing of one of our family's cats. The posting ended with a single word. Peace.
The word had to do with inner peace rather than the absence of war. It struck me that western civilization has pretty much made the concept of Peace archaic. We folks in the modern world race from one appointment to the next, one assignment to the next, one project to the next, one chore to the next. We are forever promising ourselves we'll take care of one last obligation and then.....
Relax? Nah, we move on to one more task - or - we actually sit down, but then worry about the other things we should be doing.
We are connected 24/7 by cell phones and computers. We work twice as hard for weeks in order to go on vacation, then work twice as hard for weeks when we return. And chances are we e-mailed, texted, or IM'd folks at the office while we were on vacation.
Vacation is quickly a memory and soon we're promising ourselves we'll finish one more thing and then...
Remember when Sunday's were a day of rest? Businesses were closed. For the most part people stayed near home. Everyone RELAXED.
The world needs Sunday's back.
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