Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Changes in Attitude

I thought I was doing a pretty good job of adjusting to the last days of post-summer this year.

I tried to look for the glory in the display of multicolored trees and for the sense of invigoration from the chill in the air. As leaves started to fall more rapidly and late blooming plants lost their blooms I made an effort to think of nature resting and building stamina for the coming pre-summer.

And then my travels took me to the warm Caribbean where brilliant green palm fronds sway in the warm breeze, flowers and shrubs bloom in a multitude of colors, and white fluffy clouds sail smoothly across a royal blue sky.

Blinders off, I returned to December in the Middle Atlantic region of the U.S. - and realized the barren trees stand like defeated soldiers in an abandoned field of battle and the cold winds that howl unimpeded carry the chill of death rather than the hope of rebirth.

Truly bears are the smartest of all creatures at this time of year; curling up in their dens and waiting for the warmth of April.

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