Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Reflectors and Radiators

You've probably seen them - those silver sun shades that fit in the windshield of a car. Not only do they block the sun, but they reflect the sun's heating energy.

I saw a car outfitted with one of these reflecting shades today and the first thought to go through my mind was... why?

Why, at a time of year when folks are waking to frost on their windshields, would someone want to block the sun?

A car can serve as a great collector of solar heat - and in November through March I want my car to collect as much heat as possible.

When dried leaves are being twirled into the air by dirt devils and clouds are being whipped across the sky by chilling air, I want to crawl inside of a radiator.

For folks in the northern half of the country, it's definitely time to put those sun shades away.

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