My apologies for the recent inconsistencies in posts. I have been struggling with inconsistent service from an internet provider. Hopefully the issues will soon be resolved. If not, I'll resort to smoke signals.
Earlier forms of communication have been on my mind a lot the past few days.
Imagine today's population trying to communicate by smoke signals. There would be no end to mixed up communication - because there would be no end to smoke rising into the atmosphere.
The puffs of smoke announcing the birth of a baby would drift into a smoky message regarding a protest on animal cruelty.
Grandma Jane would be horrified to read that three hundred people were descending on her niece's house to protest newly arrived baby Diane being confined in a cage and exposed to electric shock behavioral therapy.
And as news organizations sent up a stream of smoke signals announcing a cooling of the Earth's climate - well, the haze in the sky would continue to thicken until society suffered from a communication blackout. You can't communicate by smoke if the only thing to be seen is a wall of smoke.
Outlandish as those examples are, I wonder if the equivalent hasn't occurred as a result of the rolling dropped signals from my internet provider. Did someone receive just a portion of the e-mail I was working on right before my link was lost? Is someone reading the words I need responses to the following before noon tomorrow or else.... and thinking I am threatening retaliation when in fact the rest of the message (the part that they perhaps didn't get) read ... we will have to reconvene the committee in two weeks?
If my next post originates from behind the bars of a state penitentiary, you'll know that's exactly what happened.
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