Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tea Memories

We have a china cabinet filled with Motivated Mom's collection of miniature tea sets.

Last night I found myself in a pensive frame of mind and took some time to study the collection. There was a miniature Delft cup and saucer set that Motivated Mom picked up on our first visit to Aruba, a tea pot covered with roses from a weekend getaway in the mountains of Pennsylvania, and a Royal Albert tea service brought back from an English shop in Disney's Epcot.

The tiny tea sets triggered detailed memories of the many memorable events Motivated Mom and I have shared along the winding path of life. The first time we descended the steps of a rolling stairway that had been wheeled to our plane after landing on a Caribbean island, the discovery of a remarkable collectables shop in an otherwise unremarkable rural town, and total amazement at a theme park that threatened to overwhelm our senses.

It occurred to me how like ornaments for a Christmas Tree these tea sets are. Each miniature setting serving as a gateway into a time past just a special Christmas ornament triggers a jump back to a previous home or particular family gathering.

I think I'll be spending a lot more time in front of that china cabinet. Looking at the tea sets and seeing far off places.

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