I was on the website for the postal service today to calculate postage. I must admit to being out of touch with what a first class stamp goes for these days. I've been buying the forever stamps and since they're good for... forever, I lose track of the going rate.
I calculated how much my package would cost to send, then went in search of the current value of a first class stamp.
Forty four cents? For some reason the discovery triggered a memory from childhood. I recalled sitting at the dining room table helping my mother address Christmas cards. I remembered licking dozens of blue and white three cent stamps.
The memory of that three cent stamp triggered a landslide of other memories.
I remember a black and white television with a rabbit ear antennae that received three VHF stations.
I remember being with my father when he bought a spanking new Chevrolet for three thousand and some odd dollars.
I remember when milk came directly to the house via the milkman. I also remember being jealous that my best friend's family received a weekly visit from the Charles Chips delivery man.
I remember gasoline at thirty five cents a gallon and filling up my Volkswagon Beetle for less than five dollars.
I could go on and on but I'm sure just now you're relieving memories of your own.
Just look how much three cents still buys you.
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