Sunday, December 21, 2008


I take a nap nearly every day. Afternoon siestas are jewels whose value go unappreciated by so many.

Like jewels, there are an assortment of naps. There's the lunchtime power nap - fifteen to twenties minutes of down time to recharge the battery. Then there's the body has been pushed too far nap - two hours of oblivion followed by the feeling of trying to climb up out of a deep, dark hole. Renewed energy does occur following the body has been pushed too far nap, but not until fifteen minutes of disorientation has passed. If a life threatening event were to occur during those fifteen minutes, the next nap would last forever.

The weekend nap is an opportunity to treat yourself. The weekend nap comes in multiple flavors. The under the covers nap is just that. Shed your clothes, snuggle down under the covers, and slip into sleep for however long your body chooses to remain comatose. The under the sun nap is a chance to stretch out under the warmth of the afternoon sun in a place of your choosing. The brain throws up a muffling barrier against sound, the mind lazily spirals into sleep, and the sun's rays take the place of a blanket.

You'll have to excuse me, I feel an under the covers nap coming on.

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